2 UMMA Objects
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The lower section of the fan has rocks and grasses with mushrooms and several daffodils in bloom. A bird white bird with black face and blue head sits on a thin branch that is coming down from the upper left section of the fan. 
Giuseppe Castiglione (Italian (culture or style))
Bird on a Bamboo Branch
1731 – 1771
Gift of Mr. Alfred L. Aydelott
A plump sparrow is perching on a bamboo branch, which is bending from the main branch on the left side of the painting. The bamboo has young and mature leaves. The background is left as blank. The mounting is made of creamy silk brocade with blue green silk brocade strips. Brown brocade pieces are pasted on the top and the bottom of the mounting. There is a seal in red ink on the left corner. Wrinkles on the top and right lower side of the bid; some smaller worm holes and one large hole underneath the bird, but all repaired.
Kanō Gyokuraku
Sparrow on a Bamboo Branch
1550 – 1599
Museum purchase made possible by the Margaret Watson Parker Art Collection Fund